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31/Mar/202039191001Self-adhesive tape United states of americaColombia, nuevo leon.4.08****105.6 ********
31/Mar/202039191001Tape np: 4lgl9 United states of americaColombia, nuevo leon.1.49Kilo 5714.07 **********
31/Mar/202039191001Tape np: 15c153 United states of americaColombia, nuevo leon.0.83****112.55 ********
31/Mar/202039191001Tape np: 15c161 United states of americaColombia, nuevo leon.0.58Kilo 6112.53 **********
31/Mar/202039191001Tape np: 4t563 MexicoColombia, nuevo leon.6.53****310.46 ********
31/Mar/202039191001Tape np: 4t561 MexicoColombia, nuevo leon.2.85Kilo 6112.53 **********
31/Mar/202039191001Industrial adhesive tape ChinaColombia, nuevo leon.34.65****2065.77 ********
30/Mar/202039191001Scotch tape GermanyColombia, nuevo leon.6.41Kilo 6514.15 **********
30/Mar/202039191001Adhesive plastic tape roll np: 6fxv7 TaiwanColombia, nuevo leon.0.5****2.2 ********
30/Mar/202039191001Tape np: 15c328 United states of americaColombia, nuevo leon.0.14Kilo 6804.0 **********

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