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31/Mar/202073182499Cap screw United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.1.36****18.39 ********
31/Mar/202073182499Bolt sets United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.28.12Kilo 5177.62 **********
31/Mar/202073182499Retaining ring United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.0.1****245.0 ********
31/Mar/202073182499Hand padlock np 1011lk United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.1.59Kilo 1122.29 **********
30/Mar/202073182499Retaining rings # 05-05700 for aircraft use United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.0.2****56.1 ********
27/Mar/202073182499"steel padlock for 1-1 / 2 inch spiral type shaft 10 pad bag, 5ea33, 132754h, pk-10" United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.0.15Kilo 52.98 **********
27/Mar/202073182499Bolts United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.10.0****4000.0 ********
27/Mar/202073182499Metal padlocks United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.0.4Kilo 4170.88 **********
27/Mar/202073182499Steel bolt with bracket United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.218.75****393.23 ********
25/Mar/202073182499Steel seals United states of americaMatamoros, tamaulipas.1.0Kilo 3615.0 **********

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