Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Port of Discharge | Quantity | Unit | Weight | CIF Value [USD] | Importer Name | Supplier Name [ +More Columns] Importer Address Importer Name Importer State Supplier Name Supplier Address Supplier City Invoice Value MXN Exchange Rate Port of Discharge Spanish Mode of Transport Spanish Mode of Transport Chapter Heading Subheading Day Month Year Close |
31/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Cap screw | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 1.36 | ** | ** | 18.39 | ****** | ** |
31/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Bolt sets | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 28.12 | Kilo | 5177.62 | ** | ****** | ** |
31/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Retaining ring | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 0.1 | ** | ** | 245.0 | ****** | ** |
31/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Hand padlock np 1011lk | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 1.59 | Kilo | 1122.29 | ** | ****** | ** |
30/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Retaining rings # 05-05700 for aircraft use | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 0.2 | ** | ** | 56.1 | ****** | ** |
27/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | "steel padlock for 1-1 / 2 inch spiral type shaft 10 pad bag, 5ea33, 132754h, pk-10" | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 0.15 | Kilo | 52.98 | ** | ****** | ** |
27/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Bolts | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 10.0 | ** | ** | 4000.0 | ****** | ** |
27/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Metal padlocks | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 0.4 | Kilo | 4170.88 | ** | ****** | ** |
27/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Steel bolt with bracket | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 218.75 | ** | ** | 393.23 | ****** | ** |
25/Mar/2020 | 73182499 | Steel seals | United states of america | Matamoros, tamaulipas. | 1.0 | Kilo | 3615.0 | ** | ****** | ** |