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31/Mar/202096122001Inked buffer for labeling machine United states of americaTijuana, baja california.0.08****34.68 ********
26/Mar/202096122001Inked buffer for labeling machineUnited states of americaTijuana, baja california.0.06Kilo 9502.94 **********
17/Mar/202096122001Inked buffer for labeling machine United states of americaTijuana, baja california.0.06****28.9 ********
13/Mar/202096121099Ribbon for printer machine United states of americaTijuana, baja california.2.67Kilo 1305.72 **********
12/Mar/202096121099Ribbon cartridge for printer (package) United states of americaTijuana, baja california.3.72****509.24 ********
10/Mar/202096122001Inked buffer for labeling machine United states of americaTijuana, baja california.0.01Kilo 8302.54 **********
03/Mar/202096122001Inked buffer for labeling machine United states of americaTijuana, baja california.0.09****36.55 ********
03/Mar/202096122001Inked buffer for labeling machine United states of americaTijuana, baja california.0.02Kilo 10962.9 **********
02/Mar/202096122001Water based ink impregnated bearings for print seals brand pro colorflex ink part m1025-07 code af426 pool party reactive ink pad United states of americaTijuana, baja california.24.0****102.0 ********
02/Mar/202096122001Water-based ink impregnated bearings for impression seals brand pro colorflex ink part m1025-04 cpdigo af423 lemon drop reactive ink pad United states of americaTijuana, baja california.24.0Kilo 210.0 **********

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